Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Social Justice As A Social Worker - 1702 Words

As an undergraduate student, I never imagined becoming a social worker. At that time, I did not have a complete understanding of all the aspects social work encompassed. I was also unaware of the various pathways social work had. Now, to my understanding, social workers are aiming for social and economic justice. Social justice leads to greater social welfare and social change. Social work also aims to help those who face various hardships. Situational, cultural, ethnic diversity and intellectual abilities each play a role. I have come to look at social justice comparable to the American philosopher John Rawls. Both Rawls and I view social justice as a safeguard to members of society who are at a disadvantage. It works to secure equal access to liberties, rights, and opportunities. When denial of liberties and basic human rights is clear, we are looking at the face of injustice. Social justice aims to provide members of society facing injustice the necessary opportunities. Social wel fare can be of help to any population: men, women, the elderly, and children. Every race, ethnicity, and religion. Immigrants, veterans, the mentally ill, the mentally disabled and so on. Through my experiences, I have decried multi folds denied liberties and opportunities. I look at these people and ask myself, What can society do to help them? What can I do to help them? What resources are available to them? How can we meet these people in the position they are and help them overcome? TheseShow MoreRelatedThe Concept Of Social Work1347 Words   |  6 PagesConcept of Social Work Nakia L. Bell University of South Alabama Abstract This paper is a brief summary of the concept of social work. I will attempt to answer the following questions: 1) What is social work? 2) Why is social work a profession? 3) How does one become a social worker and what does it mean to be a social worker? 4) What are the basic social work values and why are these important? 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